domingo, 22 de novembro de 2009

You'd Bleed 'till The End Of The World But You Won't Ask For Help And I'll Miss You For That.

Nepotřebuji, abyste mi porozumněli, protože nejdůležitější je věci číst.
Nejdřív je musíte přečíst a potom se můžete pokusit je pochopit.
To je právě důvod toho, proč píši v jiném jazyce.
Chci zjistit, jestli se alespoň trochu snažíte číst mé myšlenky.
Pokud tomuto nerozumíte a pokud vás to zajímá, pokusíte se text přeložit, nebo se mne alespoň na něj zeptáte.
To je vše co chci.
Chci jen, abyste se mne zeptali, ať už na cokoliv.
Jen potřebuji abyste se o mne starali, protože já se starám o vás.

To je vše, co chci oznámit. Mějte krásný den. =)
Marta Jacinto

Special Thanks To:
Vít - who translated this for me
Dadinho - because he was really kind this week, you know what I mean. The one who really appreciated my work. And I'm only posting because he asked me, and this was a surprise for him. And don't danke schoen me xD

I can show you the original version of this text in english, if you are interested in.

Music on the title: Hills Have Eyes - For You It's a Bloody Day
(listen please)

5 comentários:

Alucard disse...

once again gostei da ideia...como do in blank...

e o texto faz sentido e está também ele, sentido

hang on tight and don't give up =)

e obrigado, já que não queres danke schoen nem danke schön.

Metroplano disse...

haaa... grandes malucos... LOL :P

tens toda a razao...

Pedro disse...

Eu não percebo essa língua...e agora? :P

Maggie disse...

Agora podes pedir-me a versão original em inglês, e eu mando-te =P

Se me vires no msn pede-me.

Maggie disse...

O texto que está em checo, é isto:

"I don't need you to understand me, because sometimes the most important thing is to read. First you have to read, and then you can try to understand.

That's why I'm writing in another language today. I want to know if you are at least trying to read my thoughts.
If you don't understand this and if you care, you will search or ask me. That's all I want. I want you to ask me, whatever it would be. I just need you to care about me because I care about you.

That's all I want to announce. Have a nice day."

Aos que não perceberam a minha ideia, pode ser que agora percebam.
